The Director General of "MODON" engineer Khalid Al-Salem, signed project contract to run the fire and rescue stations and emergency response work with Britam Arabia Company, represented by the Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Jaber Bin Mohammed Bani Humayem. On this occasion, Eng. Khalid Al Salem, state that the project will be implemented on 3 stages began construction of fire stations, then provide, purchase of equipment, fire and rescue mechanisms from Rosenbauer Arabia company and the operation by Britam Arabia Company, which will achieve desired integration between the public and private sectors. He explained that the operating contract includes: 30 mechanisms and equipped for fire and rescue, which is dedicated to crises, disasters and industrial fires, as well as provision of 132 of firefighters and rescue and stations captains. In addition to 6 stations built according to the highest international standards and under the supervision of the Directorate General of Civil Defense. Al-Salem stated that the agreement aims to raise the level of response to emergency situations in industrial cities, contain crises related to security and safety, and provide first aid services, he pointed out that strengthening the plans to enable industry and localization of investments in accordance with the Kingdom Vision 2030 and the strategy of "MODON 2030", requires the provision of safe and attractive investment environment that meets the requirements of partners, and meets the requirements of security and occupational safety in accordance with the best and most recent standards adopted globally, which applied in all “MODON” industrial cities.