The Saudi Industrial Property Authority "MODON" participated in the third version of "Biban" event, organized by Small & Medium Enterprises General Authority SMEA "Monshaat", during the period from 27 to 29 September, under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Khalid bin Abdulaziz, Governor of Asir Region, under the slogan "The Forum of Biban .. for ambition the idea .. for success Biban" at the Abha International Exhibition Center in Abha. The Director of Marketing and Corporate Communications in Modon, Bandar Al-Toaimi stated that "Modon" participated in the Biban Exhibition, in line with the objectives of its strategy to enabling the industry in the Kingdom, by strengthening communication and creating partnership with the public and private sectors, especially with regard to supporting small and medium enterprises and opening the way for entrepreneurs to invest in their industrial cities, and attract them through the provision of industrial products and investment and logistics services that are available in industrial cities, in line with its aspirations to contribute to realizing the Saudi Vision 2030. Al-Toaimi stated that "Modon" it presented through its booth in the exhibition a definition of the services, incentives and facilities directed to their industrial partners and small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs and other investment components that cover various fields, industrial opportunities and support services such as ready factory, industrial oases that target this category. Also presented the development features of the infrastructure level, industrial environment supportive industrial investment in its industrial cities, in accordance with the highest international standards. The Biban Forum aims to raise the awareness of the community and workers in the small and medium enterprises sector about the importance of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship, and contribute to providing the incubator environment and technical infrastructure to support the sustainability and competitiveness of enterprises while working to achieve the Saudi Vision 2030.